Saturday, 23 May 2015

Depression Help

When the feelings of depression slide into any of the depression disorders and you feel as if your life is spinning out of control, you should seek out the advice of a doctor or a mental health specialist. These professionals can help you with your depression problems. They can also advise you on the best way to get some depression help.

Once your depression has been identified treatment may be started. Eventually you will begin to feel that your life is returning back to normalcy and you can once more enjoy life. However until the treatment does take effect there are some things that you can do to get depression help.
Some of the ways that you can set up some depression help is to give yourself small tasks to accomplish. Provide realistic goals that you can easily do. Talk things over with a family member or friend that you can trust to give unbiased advice and encouragement. Engage in some normal activities like going to the movies, seeing a sports game or even participate in social activities that you feel comfortable with.
You need to understand that it takes time for the depression treatment to work. Therefore you should not feel like you have failed to respond to the treatment and become cured immediately. Another way of providing depression help is for family and friends to be there for the depression sufferer.
Family and friends know that helping someone who is going through depression means helping and encouraging the person to stick with the treatment that they have begun. Depression help also means seeing that the medication is taken when it should be and also in the right amount. You should also be there for the depressed person to talk about things that are worrying them.
When someone is in the grip of depression they sometimes think about ending their lives. When talk like this arises it is best to divert the attention into other avenues and interests that will turn their minds away from wanting to die. You should then inform their doctor or mental health specialist of possible suicide intentions. By providing the information that the depression has taken a turn for the worsePsychology Articles, you have provided the necessary depression help that will let the treatment be changed so that such suicide intentions fade away.
Depression help doesn’t mean medication and therapy alone. It means being there for someone who is suffering from depression. Giving help also means encouraging the depressed person to get back into living. With depression help you can change the person’s outlook of themselves and let them feel that they have control over their life. In short depression help provides the road back to a normal life.
Article Source: Free Articles from

Funny Quotes To Help Relieve The Stress by Jamesz Gibsonz

Humor is the answer to any relationship, even though you're interacting with a pal, your family members or merely with the work colleagues. Serious discussions will almost always be about bad or unpleasant things, what really better technique to enjoy it, to remove the sadness, depression, fatigue or everyday frustrations that which has a part of laughter with your friends?. Humor can help alleviate stress and loosen up your mood.
As a result of the net, you don't have to become surrounded by people to laugh your mind off. When you come home from my place of employment regularly and you just desire to relax in your own living area, eliminate stress following a stressful day, what better method to do all that than turning on your personal computer and searching for funny quotes which will instantly create a big smile onto your face?
You can find many thousands of funny and witty quotes on the world wide web, apart from pictures, funny videos or games to help you brighten up and relax. But if you are willing to motivated to earn the most of it, you should send the best funny quotes you end across to every one your friends and families so that the fun may well be complete. Nothing compares to obtaining this type lovely time at the days when nothing seems to are very good for you. And, either, why would you be sad and lonely when you re able to get online and spend a good time laughing with your friends?.
With over 4,000 funny quotes to learn to read and share with your mates, the hard work breaks and down time can be more exciting than it ever was. You'll be able to send funny quotes via email, text messages and mobiles and you can even write them on handmade cards plus them at various occasions, making people throughout you laugh and maybe have a nice time. Of course if you could have every one of these resources, why waste them?.
In addition to quotes, you can also read a lot of funny jokes that would perk up your day and produce a tiresome, boring workday an enjoyable and relaxing one. Make them go on your work colleagues and you may observe how everybody are going to have big smile upon their face and maintain to laugh relating to the jokes long term after. Right here is the best method to get people's appreciation so, if you happen to be getting a trouble in interacting with other persons, let funny jokes do all the hard work for you. Lighten up your days and make your pals happy by sharing jokes and funny quotes around with them. We all know, laughter is the best medicine, so stay healthy and joyful, underestimate the difficulties of way of life and have a good laughter.
Thank you for reading this article, if you want to find some funny quotes please refer to my website at funny quotes daily dot org.

Understanding the Causes of Depression

However, the causes of depression are not so simple, and while a negative event may trigger depression, the causes of depression are not external factors alone. Many of the causes of depression are issues with the sufferer.

Depression is a very widespread problem today affecting one in four women and one in eight men. Many people are aware of the many symptoms of depression, including feelings of hopelessness or helplessness, obsessive negative thoughts, loss or gain in appetite, insomnia or an increased need for sleep, social withdrawal, irritability and loss of memory or concentration, and recurrent thoughts of death or suicide. It is tempting to think that depression is sadness and the causes of depression will simply disappear and the negative feelings will subside.

Causes of depression are 40 – 70% hereditary and children of depressed children are more likely to be depressed. This would mean that the potential for depression lies in one's genetic makeup, and a stressor may trigger a latent potential for depression. However those who dispute heredity as one of the causes of depression cite other true observations that those who live with depressed individuals are more likely to be depressed, and a depressed parent may lack parenting skills or the necessary energy or patience to deal with a child properly, and may be one of the causes of depression. It is hard to know who really wins the nature versus nurture argument, but once we learn more about the role heredity plays among the causes of depression, the better we will understand how genes have an impact on our moods.

Whether causes of depression are hereditary or not, there is a physiological basis for the problem, which refutes claims that depression is nothing more than a bad mood that will pass. Low serotonin levels have been shown to be one of the causes of depression, and loss of neurotransmitters in the hippocampus has also been identified as one of the causes of depression. Seasonal affective disorder is also one of the causes of depression, and it has been shown that those who are deprived of light and warmth in the wintertime and become depressed as a result are not merely suffering from the “winter blues” but have a problem caused by the shorter days and longer nights. Seasonal effective disorder can develop into full blown depression if it not treated as one of the series causes of depression. Hormones may also play a role as one of the causes of depression, especially among those women who suffer from Pre Menstrual Syndrome or post-partum depression. In fact, while one out of every four women suffers from depression compared to one in every eight men, this discrepancy disappears among women who have undergone menopause, when there are lower levels of estrogen. More study is needed to determine whether these hormonal fluctuations are actual causes of depression, or merely triggers.

Losing one's job, getting a divorce or a death in the family may not be actual causes of depression, but they can trigger the problem in those who have a predisposition for the problem. Certainly, such events can cause sadness and a feeling of worthlessness, but if these feelings are not persistent, they are normal aspects of the grieving process and are not causes of depression. However, if the negative feelings are prolonged and obsessive, they may be triggers in setting off depression. There are some physical aliments which are included among causes of depression. Hepatitis and heart conditions can be causes of depressionArticle Submission, in addition to Aids and other illnesses which cause weakness and fatigue.

Overcoming Depression

Depression effects us all
Whether you are going through depression yourself or you know someone who is. Depression can be rough. I know I went through it many of us do. Yet many Americans deny this depression and allow for self hate to begin. Depression can lead to loss of friends, ruin relationships, make us neglect family members, lose interest in things we once loved and may even cause us to become physically ill. The first step to overcoming depression is admitting that you have depression and that you are not alone. One in every 15 Americans experiences depression at some point in their lives. A shocking number that equals around 17.5 million Americans. So please do not be afraid to admit that you have it. It is the first step in anything to admit you have a problem.
"A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step."-- Confucius
After admitting that you have depression and seeking to overcome it you will join the ranks of Jim Carrey, Princess Diana, Harrison Ford, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, Mark Twain, George Washington, Albert Einstein, and countless others who have all faced and overcame depression.
So let's get started on the journey against depression.
Common symptoms of depression
-Irritability or frustration, even over small matters
-Loss of interest or pleasure in once loved activities
-Lowered sex drive
-Insomnia or excessive sleeping
-High weight gain or weight loss
-Change in eating habits(Increase or decrease)
-Slowed movements and thoughts
-Decreased concentration
-Fatigue, tiredness and loss of energy - even small tasks may seem to require a lot of effort
-Feelings of worthlessness or guilt.
-Trouble thinking, concentrating, making decisions and remembering things
-Frequent thoughts of death, dying or suicide
-Crying spells for no apparent reason
-Unexplained physical problems
Depression quotes
"In moments of discouragement, defeat, or even despair, there are always certain things to cling to. Little things usually: remembered laughter, the face of a sleeping child, a tree in the wind-in fact, any reminder of something deeply felt or dearly loved.
No man is so poor as not to have many of these small candles. When they are lighted, darkness goes away-and a touch of wonder remains."
-- "These Small Candles"... tombstone inscription in Britain
"Although the world is full of suffering, it is also full of the overcoming of it."
-- Helen Keller
"It is never too late to be what you might have been."
--George Eliott
I hope that this brief article has helped someone in their journey to overcoming depression and seeking happiness. Please continue to seek help because there are many people who still care.

Depression And Alcoholism Are Number One

I look through the articles I have written and see how they’ve done, and I am deeply concerned that the highest numbers have gone to Alcohol and Depression related stories. I suffer from both, I know the depths they can take you, and I have shared that with the readers, and hopefully, some of what I said helped. First and foremost, the reader who may be suffering from either or both, has to feel as if you know how they feel.
There are negatives involved with both diseases, and I go into my share of problems with the beasts on my back, but I came through those dark days, and I also try to give hope that they can, too. It is not easy to quit drinking, especially if it’s become a habit, and bouts of depression can knock you off your feet. But once the degradation and guilt and shame is dealt with, our minds can open up to the world that awaits us. That world is not all sweetness and honey, but it can be dealt with if we have the right tools to keep our mind in tact while trying to tackle the problems we face.
Hopelessness is a feeling that can only be explained by those who have felt it. There is a realization that there is beauty outside, nature can leave us speechless, our kids whom we love are connected to us in a special bond that cannot be duplicated. We know this while in our depths of Hell, but the way our brains are working at the time makes those gifts irrelevant. The oppression sits too heavy on our minds. We feel weak, both emotionally and physically and we want relief. If we can’t find any, chances are we will stay in our alcoholism and depression.
I don’t know what made me decide to fight these two demons, but I didn’t want to feel the way I did anymore, and used my mind to think the right, positive things, and force me to get help. If you are serious about wanting to quit drinking, and changing your lifestyle to a more appropriate one, twelve step meetings will work. Your determination will push you to listen, and what you’ll be listening to are people with the same types of problems or feelings you have. Some have only just begun their journey, some have twenty, thirty, and forty years of sobriety. All will help.
It’s a pain sometimes to have dinner, want to lie on the couch and watch TV, then go to sleep, but instead have to get dressed and drive to a twelve step meeting at eight which might not be what you feel like doing. That’s where your part in your recovery comes in. You have to push yourself. I remember not wanting to go out in the cold or snow, but I knew I would never make it if I didn’t put my whole being into this program. It’s not going to work if I’m not there.
I have never had a drop of alcohol since before my first meeting, almost fourteen years ago. The program helped me enough to keep me sober through the illness and death of my father, and a divorce, and two kids leaving home, and many other difficult issues I’ve faced. So, there is hope for the still suffering alcoholic. Depression was also a combination of thinking I wanted out of the Hell I felt I was in, and getting the right medication to help my brain function normally. 

The people who read my stories know I can relate to their pain. 
I’ve been to the dark side of the soul, and it is creepy and scary and you want to get out as fast as you can. It is where the fantasies and dreams you held dear your whole life, are exposed to reality, and the concepts don’t match up. You are stunned, and in shock, and you don’t want to die, but you don’t want to live. Something has to change to make it better.
First, I got on the right medication, which took a short time to figure out which one worked best. I started feeling better, and was able to get out of bed and start doing things I used to do. I was feeling glimpses of happiness. I got things accomplished that I had put off for a long time, even something as simple as cleaning out my walk in closet. Once that was done, the feeling of satisfaction felt good. I got back into enjoying keeping my home clean and comfortable. I started going out more. I sat on my front porch swing and ingested as much nature as I could. There was the sun and the blue sky and a few clouds, and chipmunks, and birds, and deer, and our waterfall and people taking walks.
I began going to Reflexology sessions, which have helped immensely. I still have my good days and bad days, and days I wish I could have a drink. I will never go back to where I was, so I have a soda instead. I have days of depression where I’m up all night and sleep all day. There are always going to be things to upset us. Once we have the skills from a twelve step program, and the will of our spirit to fight our depression, we can make it as a half way normal human being. 

There is hope. I am hope, because I am proof that you can overcome your addictions and keep your depression at a level that you are still able to cope. This story is for all those who are suffering. May you find it within yourselves to bite the bullet and get to a meeting, and a doctor. You have nothing to lose, and so very much to gain. You are worth it, even if you don't feel that way right now. 

Depressed Huh?: Well Fight Back

Depression, one of the worst states that a person can be in. Depression can cause someone to feel worthless, humiliated and in a constant state of anxiety. Seeing as I have fought through depression first hand, some of my insights may help you or a love one through their bout of Depression. Hopefully after reading this article you are filled with hope and keep up the fight against your depression.
The Enemy is You?!?(Face Your Shadow Self)
Simply put the enemy really and truly is yourself. Though at times we may "think" that it is others controlling your feelings in reality the only one in control of you, is yourself. It is also important to realize that you are taking to steps to better yourself(proof of the power, you have over your depression). Before we jump into fighting the depression lets get some background information on it.
So uh... what is depression? My definition of depression is a low state of mood in which one feels, very bad about themselves, their life, their world and ultimately other people(this should give you some insight as to why people love positive people). Remember there is a difference between feeling sad, or upset versus being in a state of depression. Some common reasons why people become depressed: loss of a job, loss of health, loss of a love one, as well as loss of identity(self crisis).
It is my personal belief that every problem that falls upon us can be handled by good old fashion work ethic. The desire to become better, do better and achieve more should be all the push that you need. If this is not enough, think about it like this: imagine all the good things you can do for this world, imagine all the love you can give to the world, imagine all the love you can give to that special woman(man), imagine your new empowered self, battling the problems of the world and helping others overcome their negativity.
Actually if you think about it, everybody is rooting for you to become better. When you become more positive, happy and joyful, you bring all that goodness into someone else's life(as well as your own) causing more happiness in the world. You see my friend, you having been hiding your light(your gift,your blessing) from the world and that is a problem. We were not made to be discouraged, but encouraged that is why when you hear good words, you feel more energized that's what we are here for to help one another and improve.
Somethings to help change your mood.
Get out of the house and just walk around. Physical exercise whether walking or strength training will help your brain release dopamine. Dopamine gives you a natural "high" feeling, but instead of relying on a drug or a booze, you rely upon yourself. This good feeling becomes more intense as the brain becomes used to releasing it, causing a powerful response.
Volunteer- Giving your time and energy to others is one of the greatest things you can do. Its reward comes from seeing the happiness, you have instilled in another individuals life.
New Clothes- Yes a simple change of wardrobe can make you feel like a winner in your life and increase your mood.
Read motivational articles as well as positive quotes and sayings to help keep you motivated.
Believe me depression is almost always self inflict and if not, it usually is self-sustained through your mind. If you choose to let it go and move on with your life, you can. So what you are not some beautiful model or actress, you can still be happy and live a life fulfilled. Hopefully this article helped you realize that you deserve to be happy. Remember when you are smiling the whole world smiles back at you.

More Than Inspirational Quotes for Difficult Times by Braden Pilling

No Matter Who You are or how successful you are, everyone has periods of "being down" on life or yourself.
These "down" times lead to negative thoughts, which can lead to poor productivity and for some, can lead to different levels of depression. Minimizing and ultimately eliminating these time periods will allow you to make remarkable progress in your life.
Think about it. If you were always "pumped up", full of positive energy and passionate about every day, how incredible would your daily contributions be to your life?
How many "rags to riches" stories have you read or watched, where people overcame insurmountable obstacles in spite of terrible things happening in their lives. They achieved their goals by never quitting and always believing in their dreams/vision.
Energy is the most powerful force in our universe. If you have ever read about or discovered the "law of attraction", you know what I am talking about.
Unfortunately for some, negative energy seems to travel much quicker and is in more abundance than positive energy. Understanding how to overcome negative thoughts and replace them with a high level of positive energy is paramount.
By identifying and utilizing some natural, readily available energy boosting techniques and strategies, you can increase your positive energy levels and sustain them for longer periods of time. Whether you believe in the law of attraction or not, everyone can agree that the better you feel, the more energy you have, the more you can accomplish.
The resources I have outlined below are extremely effective tools for attracting and conveying higher levels of energy. They are simple, but highly effective if you consistently work at it. The trick is finding purpose in everything you do, say and listen to; if you do you will find the energy you need.
Strategy: Commit to identifying negative thoughts and words on a daily basis. Negativity starts with you, you make the choice! Whenever you find yourself using negative words in your daily conversation you are heading in the wrong direction.
Create an arsenal of inspirational messages. The Internet is filled with free motivational and inspirational quotes of the day. Don't just read them and move on when you find ones you like. Write them down! Look at them daily and test each one of them out when you are "going negative". Some will work better than others. Put the best ones in a journal of some kind and title the page; inspirational quotes for difficult times.
Here are a few inspirational messages you can use if you like:
* "There is only one success--to be able to spend your life in your own way"........Christopher Morley
* "The secret of success in life is for a man to be ready for his opportunity when it comes"....Earl of Beaconsfield
* "A mistake is not necessarily a crime. Wherever you can extend forgiveness, especially to yourself, you free up energy. Your energy is a quantity you can exchange for anything you want in life".......Unknown
* "The majority of men meet with failure because of their lack of persistence in creating new plans to take the place of those which fail"........Napolean Hill

* "Consider the postage stamp; its usefulness consists in the ability to stick to one thing until it gets there"..........Josh Billings
There certainly are common themes in these quotes - can you see the important elements of preparation, persistence and mindset? Life is not as hard as most people make it out to be, if you view life in its simplest forms, things will tend to be easier.
Weapon Number Two: Inspirational Messages from books. Not only will you find inspirational quotes, but you can add paragraphs and stories to your positive energy cache. Copy them into your journal, so you can access them much easier than keeping a book with you at all times.
* "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" by Robert Kiyosaki
* "The Science of Getting Rich" by Wallace D. Wattles
* "Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill
* "Why we Want you to be Rich" by Trump and Kiyosaki
* "Secrets of the Millionaire Mind" by T. Harv Eker
* "The 4-Hour Workweek" by Timothy Ferriss
* "One Minute Sales Person" by Spencer Johnson
* "Power vs Force" by David Hawkins
* "The Game of Life and How to Play It" Florence Shinn
Weapon Number Three: Inspirational messages from Movies. Movies are a great example of how finding a purpose for your actions can change everything. I come across people all the time that say movies and television are a waste of time. In some cases this is true, but if you are watching a movie with the intended purpose of leisure time mixed with a motivating boost how can this be deemed a waste of time? Here are a few of my favorites:
* The Aviator
* The Pursuit Of Happyness

* Radio

* Braveheart

* Men of Honor

* Rudy

* Life as a House
* Patch Adams
Weapon Number 4: Inspirational Messages through Music:
I am certainly not going to "touch" this one. Out of the five sources of inspiration and motivation, music is by far the most personal of the "tastes". However, music can be extremely powerful. It can change moods and attitudes within seconds. There is a reason music is played in the locker room of almost every sporting event before the game. It fires the players up! The other powerful thing about a song is that you can bring it into your consciousness at any time without the song actually being played. You can hear the music or lyrics in your head and use it to your advantage.
Weapon Number Five: Inspirational Messages through Events and Situations:
Everyone has a moment of glory or an achievement they can think about at any time - a time when you won a "hard fought" game; you "aced" a test or passed when you did not expect it; you thrived under pressure, made someone laugh or had someone sincerely thank you for a job well done. Write these moments down, think about them regularly and learn to use them when you need it most.

Short Quotes With Explanation for Motivation and Success

Life without motivation is like we are sitting in a dark room. People often work like a robot and do not dare to dream big. God has given us life to do extraordinary tasks. We all have qualities and capabilities to achieve anything. The only thing which required is motivation.
So here's are some of my favorite short quotes to let you feel the magic of motivation i life-
"For every dark night there is a brighter day." -Tupac Shakur
This short quote describes how we should take our life. Good time and bad time keeps on coming and going. There is always bright day after dark night. So you should be optimistic and think the positive side. After your hard work, success is bound to come. So never give-up and keep on putting your best.
"All that we are is the result of what we have thought." -Budha
Whatever we are is the result of our thought. All the achievement and success is the result of our attitude and our power of thinking. All the miracles take place in mind, so think high and work hard. Do not take rest until you achieve your goals.
"Our truest life is when we are in dreams awake." -Henry David Thoreau
Dreams give us a vision to work on. A person without dreams is as good as animal. So the best in life comes when you watch big dreams with open eyes. Dreams keep us inspired. All the big achievers of world are big dreamer. They dream and work hard to convert them into reality.
"Impossible is a word to be found only in the dictionary of fools." -Unknown
Nothing is impossible. Every task needs passion, positive energy and will power. Long time ago, nobody could have thought of airplane, but today it is truth. We can fly in air. So impossible is nothing. We have reached to moon. We all have all the powers of doing anything we wish for. We just need to wake up and motivate ourselves to realize our hidden qualities.
"Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time you fall." -Anonymous
Failure and success is the part of life. Many people give up after facing failure. They should not do it. You must get up and try again with your double level of energy, because you have gained more experience. Never forget that the failures are the pillar of success.
So do your best to achieve the best with motivational short quotes. Life is great teacher. Learn from it and be a real winner.
Read more inspiring lessons at Short Quotes and Confidence Quotes.

Fighting Depression - Love Yourself, Love Life

To really be happy and have a love for life, you need to satisfy your own needs and love yourself. Refill your emotional tank often.
Physically, you can stretch and take deep breaths while sitting and relaxing quietly for 15-20 minutes. Focus on the breaths you take. Be empty of your troubles. Be full of peace. Doing regular relaxation techniques helps relieve depression symptoms and will boost your mood.
Soak up some sunshine! 15-30 minutes a day will be beneficial to both your emotional and physical health. Sit in the park and just watch people go by. Listen to the sounds of the outdoors. Take Fido to the doggie park, visit an outside cafe and have some tea, take a walk-just get some sunshine.
Take up a hobby. If you have one that makes you feel good, do it more often. Go bird-watching. Walk a nature trail. It is very relaxing and soothingly refreshing. Put photos in an album or scrapbook or on your digital frame. Looking at your photos lets you focus on wonderful memories. Do woodworking projects that take concentration. You will focus on the project and not your problems. Stay in tune with the fun ME time you need.
Read motivational quips, quotes, and books. They are easy to find both online and in book stores. Find a few favorite quotes that stand out. Put those quotes in a prominent place, such as on your refrigerator. Recite them often. They WILL motivate you. They will help you to feel good and powerful. You are in control of your life.
Don't wonder why your life is so wrong. Think about what is so right. Love yourself, no one is perfect. Don't think you're a failure. Focus on the things you have and appreciate. Make a list of things you are grateful for. Things that you are thankful to have in your life. Make another list of the things you like about yourself. Be kind to yourself.
Don't dwell on your problems. Check out the choices and options there are to get past those areas of discontent. Rise above the conflicts in your life. Whether within yourself or out in the world. Be strong. Do your best, but still be you. The happy you-the one that focuses on loving yourself and loving life.
Get enough sleep. Not too much, that's not good either. That will just make you sluggish throughout the day. 7-8 hours a night is best. Rise and shine the same time every day. Go to bed the same time every night. Your body will function better on a set schedule.
Eat well. Drink lots of water. Start the day with 16 oz. It will give your body the boost it needs to start the day. Drink 7-10 glasses throughout the day. Eat the right foods every 3-4 hours. Don't let yourself get hungry and irritable. Eating smaller amounts more often helps your body and mind function better. Avoid sugary snacks, alcohol, and pasta. The good foods to eat consist of oatmeal, whole wheat products, fruits and veggies and a good old home-cooked meal of baked potatoes and chicken. These good foods will actually make you feel better.
Overcome the stress/stessors quickly. Don't hold on to things that bring you down. Whether you need to call a happy friend or a counselor, just do it. Have a support system in place. Deal with the issue. Get it over with and let go of it. Petting your furry friend can help also. They are good listeners and they will certainly help you get over the slump you are in.
Fill your day with things that make you feel good. Hang out with people who make you happy and laugh. People who will listen to you. Depression can pull you down enough that you don't want to be social and around people. FIGHT IT. Maintain positive social activities. Do something for someone else. It will make you feel good.
Last thing at night, express gratitude for the positive things in your life. Remind yourself of the things that made you feel good. Pat yourself on the back for the things you accomplished today. Plan for an enjoyable day tomorrow.
Depression can suck the life right out of you. You can easily lose the hopes and dreams of tomorrow. You lose energy to exist productively and happy. Fighting it and overcoming it is not easy and it won't happen overnight. Keep at it just one step at a time. You ARE important-to yourself, your family, and your friends. You can learn to love yourself and love life again.
Diane Gove is committed to helping people find a more positive and happy lifestyle. Her website, offers simple tips and suggestions for getting beyond the obstacles that life throws at you. Come visit us to get refreshed. Your happy spot awaits you.

Best Motivational Quotes From Oprah Winfrey to Start Your Day

Do you feel uninspired lately? Do you feel like going to work or to school is a total chore? Are you worried about doing something? Are you feeling unhappy again?
Negative thinking has a way of dragging us into inactivity and depression. When we start thinking and entertaining those sample questions, it will eventually become a habit. Positive thinking is the only way that we can get ourselves out of a sticky situation. If we want to become a healthy, happy, and productive individual we need to constantly remind ourselves that a positive disposition is the way to go.
The thing to remember is that it's a conscious effort on your part. You have to remember that happiness is a choice. So every day is an opportunity for you to exercise an optimistic personality. You'll be amazed at how it will naturally become a habit. One of the most crucial parts of our daily routine is waking up in the morning. This is the time when you set up your mood for the entire day. Some people take time to eat their breakfast or drink their coffee to prepare them for a fruitful day ahead. Some people take sometime alone and meditate as a form of cleansing and relaxation. This time try to incorporate motivational and success quotations to your daily routine. Not only are inspirational quotes accessible but they also make great daily mantras for you stay focused on your goals.
Here is a list of ten motivational and success quotes to get you started. These inspirational quotes are the words of one of America's most influential women, Oprah Winfrey. Oprah's quotes offer a clear cut, direct, and honest message that is sympathetic to everyone. Her motivational quotes are meant to be practical sources of wisdom and inspiration to empower those who feel uninspired and depressed. She is a credible source of such empowerment because her life is a grand testament of her success. Whenever you feel unsure of yourself, just read the following quotations to keep you going.
Oprah Winfrey says
1. Breathe. Let go. And remind yourself that this very moment is the only one you know you have for sure.
2. Passion is energy. Feel the power that comes from focusing on what excites you.
3. Be thankful for what you have; you'll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don't have, you will never, ever have enough.
4. I was raised to believe that excellence is the best deterrent to racism or sexism. And that's how I operate my life.
5. So go ahead. Fall down. The world looks different from the ground.
6. Turn your wounds into wisdom.
7. My philosophy is that not only are you responsible for your life, but doing the best at this moment puts you I the best place for the next moment.
8. Surround yourself with only people who are going to lift you higher.
9. I always knew I was destined for greatness.
10. Do the one thing you think you cannot do. Fail at it. Try again. Do better the second time. The only people who never tumble are those who never mount the high wire. This is your moment. Own it.
These are only some of Oprah's take on happiness, success, failure, and self-improvement. Write down the quotes that you find most applicable to your situation and try to use them as daily reminders. In no time, you will be surprised that you have already made a habit out of it.
Joanne Aika Castillo is a freelance writer and editor of Quote Summit website. After finishing her degree in Comparative Literature from the University of the Philippines, she has edited an excellent collection of quotes and sayings at Quote Summit website. Visit [] today and read more Oprah Winfrey quotes [] and other motivational quotations.

Actor Joe Pantoliano Transforms His Depression to Empower Others

"I am now the most miserable man living. Whether I shall ever be better I cannot tell; I awfully forebode I shall not. To remain as I am is impossible; I must die or be better." - Abraham Lincoln

American film and television actor Joe Pantoliano once identified strongly with Lincoln's sad statement. Its hard for many of us to imagine that Pantoliano, a man who has achieved fame, wealth and adoring accolades could possible feel such a sense of quiet desperation. On the outside his life is glitter, glory and downright gorgeous. On the inside, not so much. Many other people profoundly identify with Abraham Lincoln's famous quote.

Pantoliano revealed this dark, empty cavernous secret of lifelong depression in a recent blog in the Huffington Post - "Stigma Ain't What it Used to Be". He writes about what he calls his emotional stigma and his compassion for the soldiers he visited in Iraq who similarly suffer with struggle and depression. Suicides among our heroes fighting wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have outnumbered combat deaths since 2009, he writes.

Joe went to Iraq to help our men and women in uniform. He returned with something he did not expect. He embraced the surprising gift of life-affirming freedom self-expression provides. In sharing his secret with others who understood through experience Joe was able to shine light upon his dark hidden areas. He realized that by acknowledging and releasing rather than suppressing pent up negative energy he could finally set himself free.

It's an unfortunate fact - emotional disorders are common. The good news is we have the power to change that fact. We all have within us the tools to get back on the path to healing - acceptance, inner light and new perspective. Embrace who you really are underneath the layers of emotional trauma. Realize who you are capable of becoming. It's what you're here to do. Look for light where you see darkness or shadows. Reach for possibilities where you experience struggle.

"Speak up, speak loud and be proud." - Joe Pantoliano

Hiding depression perpetuates depression. Closeting any part of who you are kills the human spirit. Speaking your truth, examining it for what it is - or is not - is what each and every one of us is here to do. In his blog, Joe said the nine days he spent discussing depression with the soldiers was the best thing that ever happened to him. He began to see that he was more than just a Hoboken street kid making a fortune playing characters people love to hate - and hating himself because he wasn't an Al Pacino and any number of things that he allowed to ratchet up his anxiety meter.

Joe's got his Moxie back! He tapped back into his confident courage to achieve authentic greatness. He discovered a new perspective. Joe realized he is a man who has a lot to share and is more than capable of contributing to the greater good of all.


Valery is an Author, Speaker and Moxie Master who will teach you how to have the AUTHENTIC confident courage to go after what you REALLY want with unrelenting drive and passion. That's Moxie! Claim your truth, own your power & command your stage with her unique fast Moxie Up! process available for discerning individuals who demand personal attention.Moxie Up! today with a confidential complimentary call. Get free tips

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DHA Fish Oil: Nature's Anti-Depressant by Richard Pagano

Depression is an illness which is often misdiagnosed or even ignored. Stress, in all of its complex modern-day forms, is a primary factor in the increase in cases of depression. Health researchers have focused recently on another potential cause for this increase: the lack of omega 3 fatty acids, including DHA, in our diet. Lack of this essential nutrient is not the sole cause of depression, but deficiency may leave us more vulnerable to the negative impact of everyday stress. There is evidence that a good dha fish oil supplement can have a positive impact.
The brain and other components of the central nervous system are largely made up of DHA, so we need this nutrient on a regular basis to sustain brain health. Fish oils, derived mainly from cold water fish (salmon, mackerel, herring, sardines) containing significant quantities of DHA are believed to improve brain and nervous system health. Most diets contain too much brain-damaging hydrogenated and trans fats and not enough brain-healthy omega 3 fatty acids. A quality dha fish oil supplement helps replace these bad fats and ensures that our brain tissue is replenished.
In addition to increased rates of depression, low levels of DHA have been linked with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Alzheimer's disease, bipolar disorder and even post-partum depression. DHA is essential for the growth and functional development of the brain in infants and is absolutely required for normal brain function in adults. Various studies have demonstrated improvement in symptoms of depression with an increase in consumption of DHA. Even in mid-life, proper supplementation is believed to be one of the most effective ways to protect against age-associated and accelerated forms of mental decline and memory impairments.
To ensure proper nutrition, ask your doctor or nutritionist about taking a once-daily dha fish oil capsule. Published studies have shown a link between coronary artery disease and depression--so it isn't just about mood swings or feeling depressed. It's about brain and heart health.

Effective Advice For Depression by Jose Gomes

A lot of people do not know why depression happens! Some people blame themselves and feel hopeless about their ability to cope with their depression. There are several effective therapy methods that will help you get over depression. Apply the ideas included in this article to help you overcome depressive disorder.
Seeing a psychologist might be a good idea. The best therapy to help alleviate depressive disorder symptoms is a combination of therapy and medication. Using both treatments together has been shown to be more effective than using them by themselves. Therapy will help the root causes of depression, while medication can treat the chemical causes of depression.
Take your prescribed medication the same time each day; the morning is preferred. By keeping a pattern or schedule, you will always remember your medication. Administering your medication in the morning lets you function throughout your day.
Coming to terms with your situation is an important factor in counteracting depression. Many people who have depressive disorder think that their depressive disorder will lift if they get something specific, such as money or a new partner. By learning to accept your state of affairs, you'll not only begin to feel better, but you can also start creating attainable goals for what you desire on your life.
Eliminate any type of the word "depressive disorder" out of your vocabulary. Even though they're real words, they carry quite a few extra meanings and that can make feelings of hopelessness seem a lot worse than they really are. The next time you begin to feel blue, look at it like a temporary mood instead. It's easier to ponder simple mood elevation than to worry about combating an entire condition.
It requires effort to overcome depressive disorder. Try counting your blessings daily. It may be difficult to remember the positive aspects of your life when going through depression, but it is the best time to think of positive things. Thinking of these things will brighten your mood.
Eat healthy, well-balanced meals if you have depressive disorder. To avoid overeating, and increase your metabolism, you should eat a healthy breakfast. Eat plenty of healthy, cold-water fish. These fishes contain lots of omega 3 fatty acids. Try eating more tuna, salmon and halibut for instance.
Being out of the workforce can cause a feeling of depressive disorder. Being unemployed brings the stress of money worries and the shortage of income you had depended on. If bills are piling up, it can make you feel more depressed, even if you are likely to get another job quickly.
Making sure that you consume adequate amounts of all the essential minerals and vitamins your body needs, can help you to cope with depression. Vitamin B12 is particularly important. Vitamins and supplements help to give your body a boost and keep you going strong. There are numerous vitamins and supplements so you can find the combination that is right for you. In fact, the supplement may be healthier than eating red meat that has the vitamin in it. Red meat has lots of fat and calories that can make your depression worse.
Your diet plays a significant role in how you feel physically and emotionally. Bad nutrition can lead to depressive disorder, as well as many other sicknesses. Make the necessary changes to your diet incorporating leafy green vegetables, lean sources of protein and healthy grains.
Do things step by step. depression can be so overwhelming that tackling lots of projects simultaneously can seem impossible. Taking small steps that are achievable is the best way to start out because they're simple, and you will succeed at them, motivating you to make further changes.
Hopefully, all of the tips you learned from this post can help you through your depressive disorder. Your life will quickly become brighter as long as you remember to stay optimistic, and utilize the advice given to you in this article. Continually seek new advice and ideas for improving yourself, as even the tiniest adjustments can make a huge difference.

Why Am I So Depressed After My Husband's Affair?

“I've fallen into a depressed state after my husband's affair. I'm really trying hard not to let it get me down, and I try and look on the bright side of life. I'm grateful that I have my health and my family. And I just feel like my husband's actions shouldn't impact my life like they have by bringing everything in my life to a halt. His actions shouldn't keep me from living my life. I've got a lot of really good things going on right now. And we're working hard to save our marriage and I feel like we've finally started to make some progress. 

But because of his affair, many things in the past that brought me joy have now been ruined. He took her to a restaurant that we both loved and now I never want to go back there. She also goes to the same gym as me and so I no longer work out there. We've got kids in the same sports league. So I'm constantly reminded about his affair. It's like every day I have to face the past. It's gotten so bad that now I don't even want to leave my house.

I feel like everyone around me knows about what happened in the past and is judging me for it, even though deep down I know it's not true. I know I'm being over dramatic about it, but I can't help feeling the way I do. Everything that once brought me joy has been ruined. And I don't know what to do or how to getthings back to the way they were before.

I tell myself that I'm good enough and I try to be strong for the kids, but I just can't shake my depressed feelings. How can I move past this?”


A lot of women suffer from depression when they are trying to rebuild their lives after an affair. However, one of the biggest problems that many women have when they are talking about this is that the feel that some how they are to blame or responsible for their husband's cheating ways.

Understand That This Is Not Your Fault

As was mentioned before, many women struggle with depression because they feel like they're not strong enough to overcome their feelings. But in my opinion, strength doesn't have much to do with it at all. I'll explain below:

People all around the world in every walk of life are hurt daily by infidelity. And if you're struggling right now, it doesn't mean that your weak or not strong. The reason you're struggling right now is because you've been hurt by someone you love. Don't fault yourself for that. And don't expect that you're going to overcome something as devastating as an affair over night. But if you're going to overcome your feelings, you'll need more than just a determined spirit. Sometimes what you really need is more time and in certain circumstances, help from others.

If you're going to blame anyone in the relationship for your feelings it should be for your husband who cheated on you. The tragedy here is that not only are you depressed, but you're also blaming yourself for something you had no control over. You didn't do anything wrong and you didn't deserve to have your husband cheat on you and accepting this is the first step to recovery.

Understand there's going to be tough days ahead for you. There will be days when you don't even want to get out of bed or do anything constructive. This is normal so don't be alarmed. It doesn't mean that you're weak but you do need to counter these emotions with something positive.

You're probably going to have to force yourself to get out there and have a good time. Try doing things like going out with friends, going to the gym or watching a funny movie, but either way, it's important to break the cycle of depression with positive activities, especially when you feel like you've got no control over your feelings.

I understand that you can't control your feelings or when they come but you do have control over how you react to them and what you do about them. So you have two choices. you can either give into them and be depressed, or you can go out and be proactive and replace the negative feelings with positive ones. I'm not saying that this will work 100% of the time, but if you try and make a habit of doing positive things, eventually you'll start to feel better for longer periods of time.

Withdrawing from people and life may seem like the sensible thing to do at times, but in reality, this is the worst thing you can do. Reach out to someone, a family member or a friend but use them as a resource to get things off your chest. Sharing your emotions with others is a great way to get some perspective in your life as well as some much needed relief. Even a small reprieve from your depressed feelings can make a world of difference to how you feel and look at life.

If there are people you can't stand to see, or places you can't stand to go, there's nothing that says you can't avoid them until you feel better. You won't gain any points by making yourself feel worse than you already do just to make a point. Listen to your heart. You'll know when it's time to move forward and interact with these people and places again. Forcing yourself to do it will only frustrate you and the healing process. You don't need to prove anything to anyone.

If none of the tips I've mentioned above helps you with your depression after the affair , you may want to consider getting some professional help. You don't deserve to live with this type of pain, especially when you had nothing to do with it. Often the right person can help you overcome your emotional turmoil and provide you with the relief you need to survive an affair , but you need to be willing to ask for help. There's no need to suffer any longer so get the help you need so that you can move on with your life.

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Inspirational Quotes about Life

Life is an adventurous journey that is full of ups and downs. Many times in life, we come face to face with a situation that takes us deep into the abysses of depression and failure. But inspirational quotes about life bring back the lost hope and motivate us to try harder and come out of our self-made abysm of negativity. These inspirational sayings are not just useful for those who have lost hope, but also for those who need that one statement that will make them more determined than ever before. These are not just words, but pearls of wisdom that help you go forward in life and put the past behind.

"Our attitude toward life determines life's attitude towards us." ~ Earl Nightingale

"The secret of achievement is to hold a picture of a successful outcome in the mind." ~ Thoreau

"Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it." ~ Goethe

"I will not surrender responsibility for my life and my actions." ~ John Enoch Powell

"I slept and dreamt that life was Joy. I woke and saw that life was service. I acted and behold, service was Joy." ~ Rabindranath Tagore

"The truth shall make you free." ~ The Bible, John 8:32

"There is no such thing in anyone's life as an unimportant day." ~ Alexander Woollcott

"I will not die an unlived life. I will not live in fear of falling or catching fire. I choose to inhabit my days, to allow my living to open me, to make me less afraid, more accessible; to loosen my heart until it becomes a wing, a torch, a promise. I choose to risk my significance, to live so that which comes to me as seed goes to the next as blossom, and that which comes to me as blossom, goes on as fruit." ~ Dawna Markova

"Be glad of life because it gives you the chance to love and to work and to play and to look up at the stars. " ~ Henry Van Dyke

"Don't let life discourage you; everyone who got where he is had to begin where he was." ~ Richard L. Evans

"Life is too short to be little." ~ Benjamin Disraeli

"Too many people are thinking of security instead of opportunity. They seem more afraid of life than death." ~ James F. Byrnes

"Life is something like a trumpet―If you don't put anything into it, you won't get anything out of it." ~ William Christopher Handy

"Try not to become a man of success. Rather become a man of value." ~ Albert Einstein

"Men are born to succeed, not to fail." ~ Henry David Thoreau

"People seldom see the halting and painful steps by which the most insignificant success is achieved." ~ Anne Sullivan

"The dictionary is the only place where success comes before work." ~ Vince Lombardi

"Ones best successes comes after our greatest disappointments." ~ Henry Ward Beecher

"The first and most important step toward success is the feeling that we can succeed." ~ Nelson Boswell

"Do a little more each day than you think you possibly can." ~ Lowell Thomas

"Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me." ~ Carol Burnett

"Now is no time to think of what you do not have. Think of what you can do with that there is." ~ Ernest Hemingway

"People begin to become successful the minute they decide to be." ~ Harvey MacKay

"You just can't beat the person who never gives up." ~ Babe Ruth

These were a few inspirational quotes about life that will help you to keep moving in life. The idea to read an inspirational quote is to understand the mantra of successful people that helps them achieve success in what they do. It's true that life is not a bed of roses, but what is the fun in life where you get what you want without some adventure. These words of wisdom must have motivated you to look at life with a different take.
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